About me

My name is Simona Possa

Since my childhood I have felt a deep need to remember where we come from and what our true nature is. I spent many years with a yogic master in India at the Bihar School of Yoga with Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjananda Saraswati. That was a very valuable and instructive time for me. It was a time to delve deeper into the yogic teachings on life, the goal of life. That suited me completely. I learned and lived yoga holistically. How we deal with our mind and body and how we can strengthen them.

From physical exercises, breathing exercises, mantras, nutrition, mindfulness, the theory of energy, awareness and devotion to the greater whole. I repeatedly spent several months at this place. I am infinitely grateful for this time and experience and am very happy that I can pass on this knowledge today. I was able to deepen my knowledge of biodynamic cranial work and somatic experience (SE), which allow me to expand and deepen even further.

For me, yoga and holistic energy work are ways of living in order to experience our true nature again and to be able to be fully here in the body. I feel deep within me the desire to accompany other human souls on the path of developing their own potential and becoming conscious.