My career

Sacral biodynamics

Biodynamic craniosacral work:
Da Sein Institute Winterthur + UTA Academy Cologne Sarito Fuhrmann, (2020-2022)

Medical basics, meeting point reflex zone StGallen (2020-2022) Tronc Commun (BG, MG, SG)

Cranio further education
Embryology with Jaap van der Vaal ( 26h, 2022, Kientalhof)

Cranio for children & infants, Sarito Fuhrmann, Cranioschule Vienna (52h, 2023)

Somatic Experience / Trauma release

Trauma healing somatic experience (SE) according to Peter Levine: advanced practitioner. Polarity Center Zurich (2022-2024)


2008 three-year diploma Satyananda Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training in 1,500 hours:
Bihar School of Yoga in India / Satyananda Academy in Australia

Further training
2019 three-week seminar Mantra Science, Aaravindha, Kissleg DE
2018 Yoga Symposium Bihar School of Yoga in Munger India
2017 four-week Yoga Vidya Training Bihar Yoga School in Munger India
2014-17 Regular trainings / seminars in Zurich at Satyananda Yoga School Samatvam
2013 Two-month advanced training at the Bihar School of Yoga in India
2012 Sanskrit studies in Varanasi India with Dr. Vagish Shastri
Singing and harmonium course with Pandit Shivnat Mishra Music
2011 three-month advanced training at Bihar School of Yoga
Two-month Nepal yoga and Vipassana meditation course
2009 six-month study and living at Satayanda Yoga Ashram Melbourne
two-month advanced training at the Bihar School of Yoga in India
2008 four-month course in India at the Bihar School of Yoga

Yoga for adults 2012-2023
Yoga in the field of addiction for adults and adolescents 2020-2022 ( Reha Lutzenberg)
Yoga for children 2012 to date
– Mainly in special schools and small classes.
Yoga integration into school 2012-2019. Asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga nidra deep relaxation.

Life in the ashram includes:
Raja Yoga – Hatha Yoga – Kriya Yoga – Bhakti Yoga – Jnana Yoga – Karma Yoga
– Karma Yoga
– Satsang
– Mantra chanting / specific Mantra Sadhana / Yajna
– own learning Experiencing participation in the yogic community / way of life
– specific courses: Hatha Yoga, Chakra Sadhana, Kriya Yoga

Experience in education / social learning / nature

2016-19 Organization Courses Naturally Learning / Math Anxiety Free for Adults
2016-18 LAIS Institute Klagenfurt AT
Learning guide Naturally Learning
Native Learning
Social learning + math anxiety-free
2015-16 Collaboration with Glücksschule Ostschweiz
Courses in conversation management Idiolectics (Lucerne)
2016 Annual medicinal herb training in the Allgäu with Adelheid Lingg, DE
2013-15 Permaculture basic course in Schweibenalp with Markus Pölz,
Permaculture internship Balmeggberg Berneroberland, 3 months
Living in community with permaculture Contone Ticino, 6 months
2007 Post-graduate course in experiential education
2002 Primary school teacher’s license